Community Engagement Projects
I firmly believe that sharing our stories strengthen us - not weaken us - we grow in the vulnerability we share and the connections that we make. The stories we share give us a sense of our belonging - they allow people to connect with us. Connections and community are crucial for wellbeing and wellness, and I believe that creativity is the perfect vehicle for doing this.

Creative Connections
Set up in January 2023, as I wanted to bring creativity to the community. Through years of my own creative practice - I have learnt that engaging with the act of being creative, no matter how big or small, can support mental health and general well being - and when being creative as part of a group the magic doubles! ... or so I believe.
The group is not for making a pretty picture - it is for experimenting with creative processes and seeing what happens.
Each week I lead the group to explore a range of processes, and I always welcome others to share their skills, for example crocheting and needle felting. The group is all about seeing what is possible with the materials that we have in front of us.
It currently runs on Tuesday evenings, term time, 6 until 8pm, at Helmsley Arts Centre, in Helmsley.
Email me for further information or pop a message into the chat and I will get back to you.